The search for an environmentally friendly source of electric energy has been ongoing for decades, especially with the demand for global warming reducing choices.

solar energy companies

Rising to the top of the non-fossil fuel list is solar power energy. Scientists continue to research and develop new technologies to make solar power uses more efficient and economical.

Many countries are building and implementing solar energy producing facilities, with China leading the way. The US comes in second while Japan, India, and Germany are following close behind. Worldwide, there is an increase in concern for the environment and a desire to reduce fossil fuel dependency regardless of the initial solar farm costs.

With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of 12 cool solar facts to help reiterate how important solar power is to the environment and essentially the health of the earth.


Fact 1. Solar Energy Is Clean and Free

A solar power source of electric energy is reliable, renewable and doesn’t require drilling or processing. In fact, 1 hour of harnessed sunlight can generate enough energy for the whole world for 1 year. You can imagine the reduction in pollution by using solar energy. When you tap into the power of the sun, you tap into abundantly free and clean energy.


Fact 2. Solar Panels Are Made Of A Bountiful Natural Element

Solar panels PV (photovoltaics) are made with silicon, the second most common ingredient in the earth’s crust. When sand is combined with carbon and heated up to 2200 degrees, silicon is created. It is considered a semiconductor of electricity especially when heated; it is safe; it has no by-products to leak toxic fumes or fluids; it does not contribute to noise pollution. Sand is one of the most abundant compounds on the planet, located on almost every continent.


Fact 3. Solar Power Is Low Maintenance

Besides the initial solar photovoltaic panels cost, a solar powered panel system can last up to 35 years with no ongoing financial burden and very low maintenance. When backed up by a battery or series of batteries, the energy created by renewable roofing solar panels can provide electricity around the clock, 365 days of the year. Stored energy continues to provide light and power even after dark and on cloudy days.


Fact 4. Solar Energy is Good For The Planet

As one of the renewable energy sources solar power and its global warming reducing qualities are tremendously beneficial for the environment. Fossil fuels like natural gas, coal, and oil require toxic processes to achieve a usable product. Between the various methods of drilling and the means of producing a viable form of energy, the air, ground, and water are all polluted to some degree.


Fact 5. Rural Areas Need Solar Power

When looking at renewable solar energy facts, you find that only a small percentage of global electricity needs are being fulfilled. Billions of people live in areas that are isolated and do not have access to an electricity grid. This is a travesty for rural areas which would benefit greatly by utilizing solar power. With renewable energy sources solar power would provide much-needed energy.


Fact 6. There Are Two Ways to Use Solar Power

Solar power is distributed in two ways:

  • Direct-A rooftop solar installation with solar panels PV saves generated electricity to batteries and is stored for later use.
  • Indirect- Solar thermal collectors generate power which is then used immediately for heating.


Fact 7. Solar Power Has Tremendous Availability

The sun sends us 173 petawatts (that’s 173 quadrillion watts) continuously, every day and yet we only harness 0.0001% of its power. 30% of its energy is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed by the clouds, earth, and oceans. There are many solar panel uses that could acquire and utilize that energy.


Fact 8. Solar Power Could Light Up The World

The sun is 90 million miles from earth and yet it takes less than 10 minutes for light to travel that far. With it comes the power to energize the globe. The US Department of Energy states that every hour 430 quintillion units of energy hit the earth from the sun. Humans use 410 quintillion units of energy each year. Yes, I said a year.


Fact 9. Solar Power Has Been Used For A Long Time

For centuries, solar power has been used to dry clothes, which many are aware of. But you can also cook food using a solar oven or cooker. Sunlight heats up the outer covering and the heat is retained inside with a glass or plastic enclosure effectively cooking the food. The first solar cooker was created in 1765 by Horace de Saussure, a Swiss physicist.


Fact 10. Solar Panels Create Energy On An Atomic Level

Solar panels work by focusing photons, or beams of light directly at atoms to kick the electrons free which creates a flow of electricity. The renewable roofing system of solar panels contain numerous small parts called photovoltaic cells that use mirrors and lenses to absorb and transfer the energy. We measure solar power by kilowatt hours (1 kilowatt = 1000 watts).


Fact 11. Spaceships Powered With Solar Energy

NASA is planning to use solar energy to power their spaceships using Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) technologies. Currently, the source of electric energy for the International Space Station is solar panels PV. Space exploration modules like the Hubble Telescope and Mars Rover also use solar panels to power their processes.


Fact 12. Solar Power Is Growing In Demand

Solar power demand has risen 59% over the last 10 years and it’s projected to continue. Although solar farm costs may seem high during the initial setup, you cannot put a price on the advantages versus fossil fuels. In fact, California boasts the world’s biggest solar power plant which sits on over 1000 acres in the Mojave Desert. The solar photovoltaic panels cost are minimal when compared to the environmental benefits.

Fun Fact: Approximately 2700 years ago in 700 BC, glass lenses were used to make fire by magnifying the rays of the sun.

This is just a short list of renewable solar energy facts; the science is exciting and growing at a rapid pace with new information being revealed on a regular basis. Public awareness and concern for the environment has brought solar power efficiency to the forefront in the clean energy discussion. We hope these cool solar facts will help encourage everyone to investigate solar panel uses for their energy needs. A rooftop solar installation may seem costly in the beginning, but in the long run, it will not only save money but can also help save the planet.