The modern technology revolution has taken the world by storm, and it shows no signs of slowing down.
One of the most useful and most popular inventions in the new age is the creation and use of the solar panel. The solar power history is both fascinating and intricately detailed as entities all around the world wanted to harness the new solar industry. Even though the invention of the solar panel dates back over a century, the actual use of solar sources is relatively recent. Not that long ago, it was once only an idea and a dream; however, it has catapulted to the forefront of the technological scene, bringing with it perfect efficiency in every way imaginable.
In this article, we will cover solar power history, the first uses of solar energy, major events in the industry, and the importance of solar energy.
The idea of using solar photovoltaic energy sources dates back to 1876, when William Grylls Adams first made a discovery that would prove to be one of the greatest inventions since the printing press. He discovered through extensive research and trial and error that electricity can be created from a light source without applying heat or friction. This notion was mind blowing to an enormously wide range of the experts in the scientific field at that point in time. When there are two elements exposed to light that then create an electrical current, it is referred to as photovoltaic pv: “There are two main types of solar technology: photovoltaics (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP). Solar PV technology captures sunlight to generate electric power, and CSP harnesses the sun’s heat and uses it to generate thermal energy sources that powers heaters or turbines” (news.energysage.com).
William Grylls Adams made this discovery when he found that the electricity was produced when testing selenium results after the mineral was exposed to light. This is arguably the most notable starting point in the history of solar energy use. The efficiency of these first steps was poor, but still, only excitement surrounded the discovery. Had this creation not occurred, today’s solar technology would be very different and possibly nonexistent.
Many years later, Calvin Fuller, Gerald Pearson, and Daryl Chapin added to the discovery made by William Adams. In 1953, these three men discovered the silicon solar cell; the silicon solar cell was the first time this power was efficient enough to be usable to run small machines. This is where the history of solar energy use takes off into popularity.
The first solar cells on the market to be sold to largely established companies were released in 1956. Just as any new technology always has been and will be, these first functioning solar cells were extremely high priced; therefore, they were not at this point a regular presence among individual households. Toys and other novelty items were the first products to be equipped with the new means of power.
- Solar panels were first used in space by NASA program in 1964; this was followed by the use of the same technology in aircrafts in 1981.
- The first building run by solar technology was built in 1973 having rooftop solar panels; ever since this creation came to be, rooftop solar energy has exploded.
- Significant advances in solar technology efficiency were made in the early 1960’s; this eventually led to the most efficient form of solar panels in the last 20 years.
- Jimmy Carter has the White House equipped with solar panels in 1979.
- Solar cells were introduced to railroads around the 1980’s.
- The 1990’s introduced the first solar powered homes, and Australian authorities applied the new technology to perpetuate communication between electronic towers.
- The cost of this energy use has changed dramatically from its humble beginnings as a perceived “far-fetched idea,” which is explained in the next section.
Like anything else, the high demand that has grown to surround the topic has caused the use of this renewable energy to spread worldwide. Thankfully, this also resulted in extreme price drops in the product, making it more accessible.
Why is harnessing solar pv so important? The human species is using natural fossil fuels at an unprecedented rate, and many experts fear that if alternative energy sources are not soon embraced, catastrophic results could amass. While photovoltaic pv was not immediately accepted on a large scale, solar photovoltaic energy has proven to be a safer use of energy that puts less strain on the planet, and at the same time, solar pv is now more affordable than fossil fuels, even to the average consumer.
Even though it is now possible for homeowners to incorporate the new technology into building their houses, some consumers still were not fond of the look. They felt that it was not pleasing aesthetically, and this sparked new designs that are more aesthetically enhanced for attractiveness.
There are also clothing lines making use of this power and incorporating it into fabrics. This is done by combining the fabric with miniscule panels. In addition to clothing, the same concept has now been also used for products in the home that are fabric based, such as curtains and heated seats.
Perhaps the most commonly used solar products are those that are meant for battery extension in cell phones and other electronic devices for personal and commercial use. This can be especially useful for the consumer without reliable access to other sources.
The new innovations do not stop there, though. The industry has expanded into solar thermal fuel, solar water purifiers, solar vehicles, yard and garden products, etc.
There seems to be little argument against solar powered electronic uses. If the energy is being made from the light our planet receives from the sun, there is not any “waste” of product. The sun’s light is going to be present on a daily basis anyway, so why not use it? It provides energy that is cleaner than all others, stronger than many of its alternatives, and now more affordable than other sources of energy. The most significant “con” concerning the topic is that this new energy use does depend on what the weather is doing at a given time, which could provide frustration to areas with frequent rain and storms. This can also be an issue for regions that have limited to no sunlight at certain times of the year; one example of a region like this would be Alaska. There is a period of the year where there is no sunlight; alternatively, Alaska also encounters another season that has only sunlight and no “night.”
The weather dependent argument is certainly valid, but experts have stated that there is a solution to this problem. Homeowners who have equipped their homes with panels do not run their homes on solar power alone. Their homes are also built with regular electricity capabilities; this gives the home a “backup system” for times when the panels cannot charge due to a lack of sunlight for one reason or another. The overall consensus shows that you just really cannot go wrong with solar power.