Is Solar Energy Worth It

A photon is born in the heart of the sun and travels at the speed of light for 93 million miles, a journey of only eight and half minutes, until it strikes a solar panel on your home.

This contact excites the electrons of the photovoltaic cell, generating direct current electricity. This current flows to a solar inverter that turns the direct current electricity into alternating current electricity, the power source that matches the needs of your home and appliances. From there, the electricity can power your home, be stored in a battery, or be sent into the power grid.

In this article, we will discuss why going solar is beneficial, the advantages of solar energy, and how solar energy is cost effective for your home.


Why is solar power beneficial?

In the solar energy process, no fossil fuels are burned. There are no gas emissions.

The process does not increase levels of carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse effect gas that contributes to global warming. Solar energy benefits the whole planet by providing clean energy while reducing pollution.

It is important to note that fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource. Eventually supplies will run low. Obtaining oil and coal will become more expensive as energy companies have to go deeper into the earth or further into the ocean to find a supply. This will cause energy costs to increase as well as having a negative environmental impact.

Meanwhile, the sun will continue to send a massive supply of photons to the earth’s surface, each one with the ability to provide low-cost, renewable energy. As long as the sun is shining, solar power will be a viable energy source.


What are some other advantages of solar energy?

In addition to being a clean and renewable source of energy that reduces your carbon footprint, solar power has several benefits for you and your community.

  • Energy independence. Energy that comes from the sun does not need to be purchased from other countries or transported around the world, a process that is itself a source of pollution. Solar panels make the country less dependent on foreign fuel and your personal fuel budget less dependent on changes in foreign oil prices.
  • Community health. A clean community is a healthier community. When the air is clean, you can spend more time outdoors getting exercise or simply enjoying nature. Clean air also reduces the frequency of respiratory conditions such as asthma.
  • Job Creation. The clean energy industry is a growing industry that will create jobs in the years to come. Many workers will be needed to design, install, and maintain solar systems on homes in your community and around the country.


What are the benefits of solar panels on your home?

The primary benefit of a solar power system on your home is that you are generating some, if not all, of your own power.

If you generate more power than you need, and you own your own panels, you can send that electricity back into the power grid where utility companies will pay you for it. At the very least, you will reap the savings of a reduced energy bill.

Solar panels are durable and require little maintenance. Most panels manufactured today are warrantied for at least 25 years but are expected to last longer without much loss of power production.

Solar energy systems add value to your home. A study from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory indicates the homes with solar systems in place sell faster and at a higher price point than comparable homes without solar panels. People choose a home with a solar energy system when given the choice.


Is solar energy cost effective for your home?

Installing a solar energy system is a serious investment for your home. A high initial investment may make homeowners uncertain about whether the project is in their budget or even worth the cost. In most cases, a solar energy system is a good investment. There are some things to keep in mind if you are considering the cost of a switch to solar power.

  • Tax incentives can reduce the cost. Today there are both federal and state tax incentives to reduce the initial cost and encourage homeowners to take on a clean energy project.
  • The cost of solar panels is dropping. As the market for solar panels increases and the technology improves, the cost of manufacturing solar panels is decreasing. This means that the cost of solar installation is also on the decline.
  • The most cost-effective way to obtain a solar system is by purchasing the full system up front. You own the system and you own the electricity. Homeowners who follow this route usually make back their initial investment within an average of 7 to 8 years.
  • There are other financing options. For instance some companies will lease a solar panel system to a home. In this arrangement, the solar company owns the panels and any profits from generated electricity. The homeowner pays the solar company for the cost of the electricity used in running the household. While owning the system is the most cost-effective arrangement, leasing a system will still result in a great reduction in monthly utility bills.
  • Solar energy can generate income. The sunnier the climate, the more energy solar panels will produce. Homes with solar panels not only have lower utility bills, they are paid by utility companies for any surplus energy that flows back into the power grid. This alone makes solar energy a cost-effective choice.


Is solar energy worth it?

With all of these benefits taken together, it is easy to see that that a solar energy system is worth the cost.

As a homeowner, you will feel better knowing that you have reduced your carbon footprint and that your house is not contributing to the gas emissions of burning fossil fuels. You are taking action to lower carbon dioxide levels and reverse global warming. You will also appreciate the practical benefit of increased savings and reduced energy costs. Finally, you will enjoy the fact that, for years to come, your home will be producing clean energy.

For all of human history, people have depended on the sun as a source of light and warmth. With modern solar technology, that photon traveling for millions of miles at the speed of light can be the source of energy, light, and warmth throughout your home.