The sun is a huge resource and you can tap into it as an alternative energy source.

“Is solar energy safe?”

It’s completely safe to collect and use solar energy.

Check out these thought provoking facts to see why is solar energy important.

How PV cells work vs CSP

When a light ray collides with an electron, the electron ejects outward. The loose electrons are then captured and converted into usable electricity. Solar radiation on certain wavelengths can be used as electricity for anything powered on solar-from your calculator to a Costco solar generator.

It takes roughly eight minutes for sunlight to reach Earth with a few additional seconds to reach your solar panels. When the sun is not available, there is a special battery you can use for backup. Although, solar panels can still absorb energy on a cloudy day.

If the sky is very cloudy, the capability of your solar panels are reduced 25% to 40%. Solar panels are made of crystalline silicon and mirrors or lenses. The silicon is semi-conducting, you’ll often see this material used in electronics. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells or PV cells that convert photons into DC electricity.

Concentrated solar power or CSP takes the sunlight and converts it into thermal energy for heat. Thermal energy is used to power turbines and heaters. CSP involves the use of mirrors to concentrate solar power for turbines or engines which turn the power into electricity.

Solar panels should face south for optimal effect

If you live in the U.S. and want to maximize the amount of energy you can harness from the sun, face your panels south. This direction captures optimal sunlight for your use. Of the many thought provoking facts about solar, panels don’t actually require direct sunlight although this produces the most energy.

Check what the peak sun hours in your area are. Knowing what the peak sunlight hours are and how long they last will help you determine if getting solo energy is the best option for you or not. Most areas in the U.S. experience between three to five peak hours. The panels should face true south rather than magnetic south. Although, in some areas magnetic south and true south are not much different. An installer will be able to pinpoint the exact best location.

The technology has positive environmental effects

The effect solar on Earth is a positive one. Solar panels don’t produce harmful effects on the environment. They don’t produce any pollution or emissions. Therefore, solar panels don’t contribute to climate change more than traditional energy sources.

Plus, the sun is the plentiful resource that solar panels function on. One of many potential energy facts is that there is an abundance of sunlight all across the world making it possible to bring this technology anywhere. In the past decade, the amount of material needed to make PV cells has decreased by 62%. The designs have been refined and are more efficient. Less energy is spent on manufacturing solar panels as a result of the thinner designs.

Solar energy can power planes

Solar power is being used in a multitude of applications including travel. Airplanes can be powered by solar energy as well as trains and cars. This kind of energy is becoming increasingly useful outside of homes and offices.

The Solar Impulse II, was powered solely by the sun. Swiss pilot, explorer, and psychiatrist Bertrand Piccard flew the Solar Impulse II around the world. He began and ended his trek in Abu Dhabi. This fear of flying 25,000 miles on solo energy had never been accomplished before. The plane uses 17,248 solar cells and has a longer wingspan than a B-747 jumbo jet. One of the potential energy facts about solar is that it provides green, renewable energy.

Solar panels can match your house

If the look of solar panels has never appealed to you, you’re in for a treat. Thanks to MIT startup Sistine Solar, it’s possible to get solar panels that exactly match your roof. Sistine Solar is among the cool electricity names. Your home doesn’t have to stand out because you chose to be efficient. Panels are now being made to appeal to the luxury market rather than those who are simply looking for an energy upgrade.

The company even offers an online portal where you can design your own solar installation and really take control of the way it looks. Sistine Solar uses a proprietary technology called SolarSkin. Light penetrates through the “skin” down to the PV cells below it. These solar panels might be better referred to as tiles that completely match the look and feel of your roof.

You can even choose any design you’d like to display. You can have the best of both worlds, aesthetic and cost efficiency. Plus, the addition of solar panels can increase the value of your home which is always a good thing. Tesla has produced panels that look no different from modern, stylish roof tiles. These indistinguishable tiles are more durable than traditional solar panels. Tesla’s solar roof product is available in smooth glass tiles, slate glass, Tuscan glass, and textured glass.

Sun power lighting and roads

The sidewalks along the infamous Route 66 was used as a testing location for solar powered pavement. The sidewalks have LED lighting that brightens the roads at night. The sidewalks are also equipped with thermal heating to melt snow. Solar powered road studs have been deployed in various locations.

A solar power engineer at a Danish company has developed the Monopole, a streetlight that converts sunlight into a light for the road. The Monopole operates without any electricity and sends excess electricity back into the grid. The device is capable of creating a mini power grid in localities across the world. A solar power engineer designs, plans, and implements projects involving solar energy.

The solar streetlight has been installed in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Denmark. The solar aftermath will likely be the installation of more Monopoles in developing areas. The streetlight can be placed relatively easily by two men in five minutes. The Monopole is capable of adding essential infrastructure to villages, towns, and cities. This electrical infrastructure will offer areas independence.

Why is solar energy important

In 2019, you will continue to see the manufacture of solar on Earth by companies with cool electricity names such as Sun harvest solar. Expect to see sun power lighting, solar plant lights, & bi-facial solar panels. Sun harvest solar produces world-class products for top brands like LG and Panasonic.

It’s likely that solar product will continue to be manufactured into innovative products such as wearable tech, water purifiers, solar batteries, solar thermal fuel, solar tracking mounts, and more. Of course, reliable products such as a Costco solar generator will continue to be relied on.

Solar oven facts

Did you know that you could cook by harnessing energy from the sun? You can cook up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit using a solar cooker. There are parabolic cookers that concentrate energy to a single point and paraboloidal cookers that can cook at hotter temperatures. The popularity of parabolic cookers in India and China is one of the solar oven facts that most people don’t know.

Solar energy isn’t limited, solar plant lights can be used in agriculture. The future or solar aftermath of these products will likely be more solar products that are indistinguishable from their traditional counterparts. Why is solar energy safe? It poses no threat to health, there are no fumes or toxins in solar panels.